佛山市高明森和园食品有限公司成立于1986年,目前公司有分别在广东、广西、山东,印尼设立了四个现代化的生产工厂,均通过了 ISO9001、GMP、HACCP等质量体系认证,已成为引导中国食品生产规范潮流的现代化企业。公司拥有“雪丽糍…串屋…伊高…生活妙方”等休闲食品行业的知名品牌。产品覆盖糖果、糕点、龟苓膏等不同类别。
Sam‘s Garden Foodstuffs Co.,Ltd. was established in 1986,which has four modern industrial factories in Guangdong, Guangxi, Shandong in China, and Indonesia. All of factories have passed the quality system certification of HACCP,ISO9001,ISO22000,和BRC, and have become a modern enterprise, which leading the trend of production. It holds a wide range of well-known brands such as“Sam’s Garden” “Twin Oak” “Erko”“WOMEI” “Health Formula", which covering different type of products, like marshmallow,candy,bakery and herbal jelly.
Our company's philosophy is “bring joy,happiness and health to everyone”. We are using the advanced technology,importing fully automatic production lines and owning high quality employee team to develop new products to our customers. Sam’s Garden employs thousand of staffs in different department of management, sales,development and production. Moreover, we have build up more than 20 branch offices in China even Hong Kong. Our products have been exported to overseas markets such as,Southeast Asia,Korea,Japan, Europe,America,Russia... etc.
Sam’s Garden is a fairyland and brings joy and happiness to younger!